Sent to the Movers & Shakers

Acts 19:21 I must also see Rome.

Paul & company are in Ephesus and there is a great concern by the silversmiths, makers of idols, about their industry being phased out.  As people were getting saved, turning to the real God who is alive, they had zero use for idols.  They create a riot.  But here, Paul, is already set his focus on his calling long ago.  He is heading to Rome.  What's in Rome one may wonder?  Only one thing, the head of all the Roman Empire, Caesar!  He somewhat controls the whole world and Paul wants a chance to bring the word of God to him in hopes he gets saved.  Paul wasn't scared of Caesar, Nero at this time, one of the worst Caesars since.  Caesar thinks he controls things but God really is in control and sends His tool of choice, Paul, to him.  Nero is just a broken flawed man, as everyone else.  Paul had courage, while everyone fled Caesar, Paul runs toward him.  We are not all called to this type thing but we are all called to be courageous in our day.  We have the commission of the Living God, so lets get to it shall we?  What is your Rome?  Do you know even what that is?  Only spending time at Jesus' feet will allow you to figure this out.  Spend time asking your LORD what it is He wants you to do.  Then do it.  May the LORD bless you and keep you, may the LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you, the LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. Num 6:24-26

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Sondra McKee - December 28th, 2023 at 10:28am






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