Why Cant We Obey?

Matthew 9:29 Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith let it be to you.” 30 And their eyes were opened. And Jesus sternly warned them, saying, “See that no one knows it.” 31 But when they had departed, they spread the news about Him in all that country.

Now, this mornings devo connects with yesterdays.  It speaks volumes to me.  Why cant I simply obey my LORD when I just had faith as these two men moments earlier?  Why is it so challenging to be complete & wholly devoted unto my LORD?  Why do I hear & obey in one area yet fail in others?
Jesus opened the blind eyes according to their faith.  Then strictly commands them not to tell anyone about who did it!  Easy enough right?  Nope, they tell everyone!  This is further proof we still struggle with our sin nature.  Maybe we are so excited God miraculously touched us that the next instructions are not even heard.  But I do find, the longer I spend with Jesus, the more chilled out I am to keep on listening to His instruction.  The example that comes to mind is my dog Emma.  She loves going outside to the point when we simply talk about it, she literally goes crazy!  Now, She must get leashed up first.  So she comes sits, if you can call it that, for a second, then gets to running through the house.  Focus dog!  Your not going out until you sit and put on the leash.  Like these two men, they believed, they were excited running all over but failed to follow thru with the completed process.  Sit, be still, know He is God and what He is saying to you after your great touch of God!  I think, like Emma, how much time we waste in this life, running around not listening to the whole counsel of God?  We don't compare our kids with each other or our dogs, yet our older dog Titus was Mello and gentle and because of it, enjoyed a whole lot more life, spending longer hours outside than running hoping to go out!  I hope this makes sense to you.  God will touch you, often according to your faith in Him, yet wait for it, He has further instruction for you.


Sondra - May 3rd, 2024 at 7:53am

All too often we are exactly like Emma. We feel one little drop 💧 of the Lord's Presence and direction, and head off in all directions. The waiting on the Lord is where we get the full benefit of His Presence and direction. We need to be seasoned like Titus and wait until the Lord has poured out the refreshing rain that cleanses, directs and prepares us to do His will. Just like Jesus did. A time apart daily with our Father.

Quincy Wilson - May 3rd, 2024 at 9:23am

I forsure feel like Emma . Lord make me wait till I know it's you ,no confusion no doubt just all You LORD .





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